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Code of Conduct


Introduction & Purpose


We The Co-Working Collective NZ Ltd aim to provide a safe, healthy, respectful and inclusive workplace for everyone and we are committed to living our values of belonging, collaboration, community, openness, passion and fun.


This Code of Conduct confirms our commitment to building a working environment free of any form of bullying and harassment, including but not limited to: sexual harassment; discrimination on the basis of gender, sexuality, ethnicity or any other attribute; and violence.


This Code of Conduct outlines the standards of behaviour that The Co-Working Collective NZ Ltd expects from everyone who works on our premises and everyone we work with. We hold ourselves accountable to these standards. It does not anticipate every situation or circumstance; rather, it is a set of principles to guide conduct and decision-making in our work environments.


A breach of this Code of Conduct may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including the termination of your lease, employment, contract or engagement with us. If we consider the breach to be of a criminal nature, we may report the matter to the police.


What do we expect?

The Co-Working Collective NZ Ltd seeks to address the systemic imbalances within the co-working industry which often relate to gender, parental status, age and dis/ability. That requires us to proactively create an inclusive and welcoming work environment for working parents.


We expect everyone working with and for us, regardless of their power or influence in the workplace, to:


  • be courteous, professional, and respectful at all times and towards all people - regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, minority status, age, religion, dis/ability, or role;

  • refrain from any and all behaviour that might lead to, or be interpreted as, sexual harassment or assault - e.g. do not initiate any form of unwanted affection or touching, make suggestive comments, make objectifying jokes or banter, or act in ways that are potentially lewd, sexual and/or harmful;

  • maintain an awareness of power imbalances in the workplace that may relate to gender, sexuality, ethnicity, minority status, age, dis/ability, seniority or influence in the workplace; and take extra care not to abuse or take any advantage of that imbalance if you are in a position of power.

  • ensure that your private activities do not impact your ability to do your work professionally, negatively impact the wellbeing of others in the workplace, or bring The Co-Working Collective NZ Ltd into disrepute.

  • be familiar with and observe The Co-Working Collective NZ Ltd’s policies including our Child Protection Policy, Health and Safety Policy, Employment Agreements (if applicable) and Enrolment Agreements (if applicable).

  • actively address any behaviour that breaches this Code of Conduct, including breaches by those in power/senior roles.

  • not engage in, encourage or condone any form of bullying, sexual or racial harassment, or discrimination.

  • not be intoxicated or consume excessive alcohol or substances while working with, or for, us.


Who does this apply to?


Everyone who works with, or for, The Co-Working Collective NZ Ltd and everyone The Co-Working Collective NZ Ltd works with - this includes co-workspace users, employees and contractors, subcontractors, sponsors, performers, and any partners.


Where does this Code of Conduct apply?


This Code of Conduct applies to the The Co-Working Collective NZ Ltd’s premises – or any other premises you are working with us, or in any situation that is related to your work with us.


This includes:

  • when we are in the co-working space;

  • whenever we are acting on behalf of The Co-Working Collective NZ Ltd - e.g. in meetings, job interviews, media interviews, online communications, work-related social events;

  • whenever we are doing something that is connected to or supported by The Co-Working Collective NZ Ltd - e.g. while traveling, in accommodation paid for by The Co-Working Collective NZ Ltd, working from home, attending external meetings, attending work-related social events or online events;

  • when communicating with other workers via email or social media and within work related social media groups.


What happens if these expectations are not met?


If your behaviour falls short of what is set out in this Code of Conduct, we will seek to address this with you in a manner that is reasonable in the circumstances. This may include disciplinary action or dismissal for an employee or termination of a co-working space contract for an individual. If criminal behaviour occurs, this may include reporting to the Police.


What to do if you believe this Code of Conduct is being breached?


  • We expect everyone to play an active role in creating a safer co-working space and workplace. We encourage people to speak up if they experience or see behaviour that breaches or is inconsistent with this Code of Conduct and we will support people who do that. 

  • If you’re unsure whether or not someone’s behaviour is living up to The Co-Working Collective NZ Ltd’s expectations, or if any behaviour makes you or someone else uncomfortable, we still want to know about it.

  • You can speak to Harriet Dawson-Farrell at any time.

  • In some circumstances, you may also be able to report your concerns to an external authority (e.g. the Police, the Human Rights Commission, Employment NZ (MBIE)).

  • In reporting or raising any concerns you should be mindful of confidentiality and consider the safety and mental wellbeing of everyone involved.

  • Where a potential breach of the Code involves children or young people, refer to our Child Protection Policy.


The Co-Working Collective NZ Ltd will not tolerate retaliation or discrimination against anyone for reporting a Code of Conduct breach or concerns about behaviour.



For a copy of our Code of Conduct, please click here.

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